第一回目の今回は華々しいキャリアを持ち、現在はオーガニックハウスレーベル「All Day I Dream」にてリリースを重ねるHiroyuki kajinoを召喚。
そして、オーガナイザー自身がパーティーを通じて出会ってきた選りすぐりのDJ達がSankys PENTHOUSEに集結する記念すべき回となる。
原宿の新ランドマークQ Plaza Harajukuの最上階に吹く気持ちの良い秋風の中、彼らが表現する最先端のダンスミュージックを体感して欲しい。
Nao.Ichikawa’s launch party “SAVOR”, which continues to organize parties with DJs mainly in Tokyo, will be held on October 9th.
The first time, he summoned Hiroyuki kajino, who has a brilliant career and is currently releasing on the organic house label “All Day I Dream”.
And it will be the first memorable gathering of selected DJs that the organizer himself met through the party at Sankys PENTHOUSE.
Experience the cutting-edge dance music they express in the pleasant autumn breeze on the top floor of Q Plaza Harajuku, a new landmark in Harajuku.
* Please be sure to wear a mask when you come to the venue and diligently disinfect with the alcohol disinfectant solution in the venue. Please refrain from visiting if you have a fever or are not feeling well.
Hiroyuki Kajino
All Day I Dream