9.15 SUN















We are hosting this event for women with “SHEmless” sense, not limited to females.
We acknowledged there are multiple factors among gender and sexual orientation, so 3 organizers united and work together for not being “women only”, and try to keep this as a safe and comfortable place for those understand our concept.
If you understand this concept, we will welcome every person with any gender or sexuality.
To have safer and more secured place, we listed up the prohibitions and precautions below.
Please be noted we might change them if needed.
If any of you don’t follow our staffs’ instruction based on the following, we may refuse you to enter our event.
Also, we may ask you to walk away from the place without refund if you don’t follow them.
Thank you much for your understanding and corporation.
【 注意事項 】
  • 年齢確認の為、入場時に全ての方のIDチェックをさせていただきます。顔写真付き身分証明書を必ずご持参ください。(運転免許証・パスポート・住民基本台帳カード・外国人登録証明書・学生証)
  • 他のお客様への配慮、マナー厳守を心がけていただきますようお願い致します。SHEmlessはジェンダー、セクシュアリティ 、国籍、人種などに関する、あらゆる差別・暴力・ハラスメント行為をお断りします。お客様も不適切と思われる行為をみかけた場合、お近くのスタッフへお知らせください。
  • 会場内での携帯電話による撮影・録画・録音は、撮影OKスペース以外は原則禁止とさせていただきます。
  • 本イベント開催日のみ会場内のトイレをすべて、性別に関係なくご利用いただけるジェンダーフリートイレといたします。
  • お荷物は会場内のクロークをご利用いただき、貴重品などの管理は各自でお願いいたします。
  • 尚、万が一盗難等の被害にあわれても、主催者・出演者・会場側は一切の責任を負いかねますので予めご了承ください。

[Prohibition & Precaution]

To confirm your age, we will ask you to show your ID with your photo at the entrance. Please make sure you have your ID with you. (such as Driver’s license, Passport, Students ID, or Alien registration card)

Please keep in mind that you are expected to respect other visitors and comply with manners. We “SHEmless” refuse any type of discrimination, violence, and harassment towards any gender, sexuality, nationality, or race. If you see those inappropriate action, please let our staffs know.

In principle, you should not take a picture, shoot a movie and record voice or any performance outside from “photo OK” zone.

All the restrooms in the place will be for all-gender during the event.

You can use cloakroom in the place, but please keep your valuables by yourself. Please be noted that even if your belongings will be stolen, we organizers, guests, performers and owner of the place cannot owe any liabilities.

未成年者のお客様へ 】
  • 18歳以上(高校在学中の方を除く)からご入場いただけます。
  • 20歳未満の方は飲酒や喫煙、夜間の外出・外泊等、法律や条例で定められている事項については必ず厳守していただきますようお願いいたします。
  • 未成年の飲酒・喫煙が発覚した場合、即刻退場の処置を致します。また成人者が未成年への飲酒・喫煙の誘発をした場合においても同様の処置をいたします。

[To visitors below the age of 20]
People aged 18 and older can join this event (excluding high-school students).
Visitors below 20 should strictly comply with all the law and code about alcohol, smoke, going out at night, sleep over, etc.
If we notice that visitors aged below 20 drink alcohol or smoke or that adults have them do so, we ask them to walk away from the event.

喫煙(紙・加熱・電子すべて)について 】
  • 19時までは全面禁煙&有料屋外テラスのみ喫煙可。
  • 19時以降は加熱・電子タバコは全面喫煙可&バーカウンターのみ紙タバコ喫煙可。

[As for all types of smoking]
Until 19:00, all types of smoking are prohibited at everywhere of the place, you can only smoke at the outside terrace of the place with extra fee.
After 19:00, you can smoke heat-not-burn tobacco or e-cigarette at everywhere of the place, and you can smoke a real cigarette at the bar counter.

車椅子でお越しの方へ 】

  • 1F⇄10F⇄11F間の移動にエレベーターをご利用頂けます。車椅子用トイレはB1Fのみにございますことをご了承ください。
[To visitors on wheelchair]
You can use the elevator among 1st, 10th and 11th floor. Please be noted the restroom for people on wheelchair is only on the Basement 1st floor.

Thank you very much for your understanding and corporation.

Open 17:00
前売 ¥2000(特典付き)・¥3000(特典付き+VIPシート)、当日 ¥2500・¥3500(VIPシートご利用の方)